The Embassy and Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in Vienna


Afghanistan and The United Nations

The United Nations, since its creation in 1945, has proven to be a groundbreaking endeavor for the global community of nations. It has served as a platform for collective wisdom and a channel for joint action among Member States, in pursuit of a more secure, prosperous, healthy, and content existence.
As a founding member of the United Nations, Afghanistan has been a steadfast advocate of the UN’s Purposes and Principles, and has made critical contributions to the implementation of these noble objectives, as well as to the development and functioning of its various specialized programs. Afghanistan has been a leader in the UN’s efforts to promote human rights, role of law, its struggle for global disarmament, and in the pursuit of a more equitable global economic system.
As the United Nations continues to strive for global progress, Afghanistan pledges to continue working with unwavering faith and optimism towards the success of the UN.
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